The complete software solution for creative businesses.

Infowit Solutions

A Solution as Unique and Flexible as Your Business

Most project management software tools are designed by programmers for programmers. If you’ve tried them, you know what we mean. Moreover, they either tell you to retrain your entire staff to run your business the way the product works, or its up to you to train the shrink-wrapped product to do things the way you want to do them.

Infowit provides an entirely different approach that combines…

A Customizable Web Application

Designed specifically to run creative businesses

Professional Services

To configure your system fast and help you fine-tune or re-engineer your business processes.

This combination of product and services along with our experience in creative businesses is what makes Infowit unique. Infowit doesn’t spend all its time generating whiz-bang dependency charts to confuse your clients so they have no idea when you’ll deliver. And it’s not yet-another-accounting-package that can’t keep up with the times (we’d rather integrate with the package you’re already using).

We concentrate on taking the unique business practices that have made you successful and turning them into repeatable processes that can scale as you rapidly grow and expand. With Infowit as your partner, you don’t have to turn your business upside down to get started, and we build a path to gradually integrate Infowit into your processes so that your current work isn’t disrupted and you see a positive return on your investment fast.

Deliver on time, under budget, and maintain your customer’s satisfaction.

Manage the Process Your Way

If you’re like most creative businesses you have a unique process for getting projects done on time and under budget. Infowit gives you the platform to make sure you maintain those processes even as you work too fast or grow too quickly to keep up.

Infowit is customized to your unique business processes, so if you divide your projects into phases for creative, production work and printing, or if you look at projects as the work to be done for copywriting, photography, and design, Infowit works the way you do. It adapts to you, rather than the other way around.

Attuned to Creative Businesses

Creative projects are always a collaboration between you, your authors, your staff and your vendors. Sometimes everyone does some part of each process, and communications is key. Infowit can help:

  • Define tasks for staff and authors with unique instructions and clear deadlines

  • Create specifications for purchases like photography or illustration

  • Develop detailed estimates and schedules and submit to authors for approval
  • Manage RFQs to multiple vendors to get the best bids

  • Post and discuss each chapter draft, photo, and layout design with staff and authors

  • Track costs to meet specific budget requirements

Managing Projects and Job Types

Creative businesses are built around projects that all look very similar, and you can even count on each type of project taking about the same amount of time. You know that every project is unique and you have to create the content from scratch every time. Your clients want them done a certain way to meet their specific needs, and they want them now. You know how to do it, it’s just tough to keep up with the demands and keep track of who’s doing what and when. Infowit to the Rescue.

Graphic Design


  • Graphics

  • Logos

  • Illustration

  • Layout

  • Photography

  • Animation

Marketing Services


  • Brochures

  • Packaging

  • Websites

  • Annual Reports

  • Corporate Communications

  • Employee Communications

Video Production


  • Corporate Communications

  • Advertising

  • Events and Theme Park Content

  • Special Projects

Video Production


  • Standard Hardcover and Paperbacks

  • Instruction, Education, and Reference Books

  • Art, Photo, and Design Books

  • Children’s Books

  • Hobby and How-To’s