Tailored to your business, your processes….and you.

Infowit’s unique customizable infrastructure helps you keep your team on schedule, your projects under budget, and your clients happy.

Customizable Project Management

Are you exactly like every other creative team, doing things the “usual” way? Not likely. And your Project Management solution shouldn’t force you into the “standard” bucket either. If you want a system that does things your way, Infowit is the answer.

Personalized Alerts

Personalized Alerts

In a busy environment with tight deadlines alerts are keep you up to date, but they’re only as useful as the information in them. Infowit’s unique alert system is flexible enough to let you choose on an individual basis exactly the information that’s delivered to you when anything happens, no matter how obscure or complex.

Any Information Dashboard

“Any Information” Dashboard

Infowit lets you define your own Dashboards, so there’s no need to click through a maze of menus to get what you want. Each user can have exactly the information they want, based on literally any information stored in the system. If the data exists, you can have it. Instantly.

Complex Request Forms

Complex Request Forms

Real organizations have real forms. They’re not simple, they’re complex. Infowit’s unique and flexible forms system is capable of handling the most complex forms with masters and multiple details so you can get all of the real-world data you need to meet customer demands. You can even control the flow of entry of information by your clients to meet your specific needs, without a single line of custom code.

Integrated/Specialized Teams

Integrated/Specialized Teams

If you’ve got a big team where different groups want to make sure that the other teams’ don’t get in the way with their own specific needs, Infowit lets you keep your teams separate, except when they need to collaborate on larger jobs.

Designed for Creative Teams

Creative teams don’t work like engineering teams, or IT departments, or consulting organizations. Creative teams have rapid turn-around projects, simultaneous tasks, and visual intensive products that aren’t like other organizations.

Concurrent Project Spaces

Concurrent Project Spaces

Infowit is specifically designed to deal with complex, high demand environments where each individual needs to be involved in many different projects at once. As professionals, they value their ability to work independently to juggle multiple tasks and don’t need a system that treats them like cogs. Infowit’s built-in analysis and reporting takes this flexibility into account and lets you plan even when you’re giving your team the flexibility to prioritize to make the best use of their time.

Personalized Data & Displays

Personalized Data & Displays

Infowit let’s you get started quickly, letting you add users with templates and defaults to simplify user’s ramp up. But it’s designed for customization on both a group and individual level, ensuring that the essential data is made available, but letting users go to the next level to streamline the displays and features of the system to work the way they want.

Team & Individual Prioritization

Team & Individual Prioritization

Priorities in creative teams are constantly changing. Infowit gives you the ability to specify schedules and priorities meet specific goals and deadlines.

Digital Asset-centric Workspace

Digital Asset-centric Workspace

Creative teams live and breathe digital content, whether it’s documents, images, illustrations, videos, comps, or web sites. Infowit is built around this notion that digital assets are the core of every creative operation, handling on-line review and approval, instant access to any web media, and dealing with real-world issues like having to manage hundreds or thousands of images for a single project.

Team Collaboration & Management

Not only are there complex interactions between team members, but clients are an integral part of your process. When clients and competing demands on resources are critical, staying on time and under budget needs close collaboration and management.

Real-time Custom Alerts

Real-time Custom Alerts

When something happens, when will you find out? Infowit knows that you need up to the minute information about what’s happening. With dynamically updated displays, newsfeeds, email and other alerts, you’re instantly informed about where your projects are right now.

Messaging & Email Integration

Messaging & Email Integration

Both your team and your clients likely use email as their primary mechanism for keeping in touch. Whether it’s an automatically generated custom alert, a workflow notification, or a job related message, Infowit will get it to your inbox. More importantly, you can respond and Infowit knows how to get your email to the right job and team members.

Dynamic Scheduling/Coordination

Dynamic Scheduling/Coordination

Priorities in creative teams are constantly changing. Infowit gives you the ability to specify schedules and priorities meet specific goals and deadlines.

Change Management Processes

Change Management Processes

Creative projects are notorious for “mission creep” where executive action can change the requirements when a schedule and budget are supposedly “locked down.” Infowit gives you the tools you need to implement formal Change Management requests and approvals for changes in budget and delivery. And you can generate reports at budget time to let the habitual change requesters that they’re projects are simply going to cost more this year.

Digital Asset Workspace

Documents, images, videos and other content are the life blood of creative projects. You need a project management solution that not only manages your time, but recognizes their work product is central to coordinating people and resources.

Collaborative File Proofing

Collaborative File Proofing

While it would be nice if copy, images or comps were perfect the first time, creative projects endlessly require extensive revision and editing. Infowit provides many mechanisms for managing this process, starting with integration with Acrobat to enable easy collaborative file proofing not only for your team but for your clients as well.

Review & Approval

Review & Approval

In large organizations, rare is the case where one person’s review and approval is enough. Infowit lets you set up complex workflows where documents, images, comps and videos can go through a multi-stage approval process, with flexible rules for all stages to trigger approval and instant notification of changes in status.

Document Status Alerts

Document Status Alerts

Different people on your team or among your clients want to be notified when things happen. But they don’t want to know everything, just what they are interested in seeing. Whether it’s in the approval workflow or simply the final approval of the document, Infowit lets you specify exactly when each individual should be notified of which changes in status so that important alerts don’t get lost in a flood of messages.

Image-intensive Projects

Image-intensive Projects

Infowit gives you displays that are designed for image-intensive projects. You can group images and quickly browse through thumbnails, zooming in whenever you need to. Got videos and web content to review? Just link a thumnail image to it with the appropriate URL.

Custom Workflows, Forms & Client Access

Your organization already has standards and practices on how to accomplish tasks and how your team members and clients interact. You need a system that lets you implement those well-proven procedures to make them more effective and efficient.

Flexible Workflow Definition

Flexible Workflow Definition

If you’re trying to manage complex jobs with many parts, simply getting a job request from a client can be a challenge. Infowit lets you define multi-step job request sequences to get all the information you need, with an easy “accept/reject” mechanism that turns it back if it’s not enough.

Automation of Standard Job Types

Standard Job Type Automation

Your standard processes are likely to be very complex. You know when you get a specific type of job just what has to go into it. Different job types generate different job request sequences. With Infowit’s sophisticated templates, you can generate job schedules and estimates quickly and easily, with options to squeeze or expand schedules as needed based on unusual requirements.

Complex Custom Request Forms

Custom Request Forms

Infowit’s unique forms system lets you have sophisticated forms that meet complex requirements. Infowit’s forms model real-world forms, not just a simple collection of fields to enable master-multiple-detail displays that drill down into details you need for different elements that need to be specified for a job.

Direct Client Access to Jobs

Direct Client Access to Jobs

All projects are really about satisfying the needs of your clients. If anything goes wrong on a project, it’s usually because the client wasn’t closely involved. Infowit’s comprehensive Client interface let’s your customers be right in the middle of the action to submit requests directly, review and approve all elements schedules and budgets, and to check statuses at any time. All completely under your control.

Manage All Your Costs & Team Effectiveness

You’ve not only got people to manage, but very big ticket purchases like printing and distribution that other organizations simply don’t have. Having tools that track all your costs and let you analyze them to a fine level of detail is critical to your success.

Quote Requests & Budgeting

Quote Requests & Budgeting

Once you have a complete set of requirements for a job, Infowit’s templates let you rapidly generate complete client estimates for approval. You may also need to keep track of the overall budgets approved for your client organizations, and Infowit can keep track of that for you too.

Purchasing & Expenses

Purchasing & Expenses

Real-world creative jobs are rarely only about time. You not only have team members, but also contractors who may operate on either time or fixed bid-basis, as well as both ad hoc expenses (travel), purchasing off of price lists (paper or DVDs) or major expenditures (large scale print or duplication orders). Infowit handles it all, including dealing with complex markup and discount situations.



Whether you’re an independent shop or a corporate creative organization, Infowit is designed to manage the fact that you need to make money for the work you do for your clients. Sophisticated invoicing handles markups and discounts, and generates custom documentation to handle standard invoicing, cost-center cross-charging, or profit center transfers. Infowit’s open data access also supports integration with accounting systems as needed by your organization.

Real-time Resource & Cost Analysis

Real-time Resource & Cost Analysis

Infowit provides a library of highly complex reports that don’t just retrieve but actually analyzes your data to provide information that goes beyond simple queries. Infowit lets you run your production meetings on-line with dynamic status reports that let you make changes based on seeing your live data. And because the information is stored in Microsoft SQL Server, you can get direct access to any information using any tools you may require.